1. Make sure you have strong relationship evidence If you are applying for a partner visa on the basis of a ‘de facto relationship’ (please see our previous blog for more information) it’s important to understand that, as a general requirement you and your partner have been living together as a defacto couple for at least 12 months on the date your application is submitted … and that you can prove it! In Australia, you are not required to “register”…
Posts Tagged with travel after applying for 820
Are you in a Married De Facto or Registered Relationship?
People often ask us whether they can migrate to Australia with their Aussie partner. They also ask … Should I apply for a subclass 820 visa or a subclass 309 visa? Do I get a bridging visa? Will I become a permanent resident straight away? Can I work in Australia? Will I get Medicare? Can I get a partner visa if I’m still married to my ex? What happens if I am having a baby? In what circumstances would I…
Bridging Visas – A Quick Guide
It seems that a lot of people have heard about bridging visas, but most people are not familiar with how they work and what they are for. Often we hear clients asking about how to apply for a ‘bridge visa’ or asking whether they will have to leave Australia if their visa isn’t granted in time. Bridging visas are very different from the other types of visas in Australia and are in a category of their own. The name bridging…