Although you should always only apply for a visa when you know you meet the requirements, sometimes, due to circumstances outside of your control you might find yourself in a situation where you need to withdraw your visa application. If you find yourself in this situation you might have a few questions: how do I withdraw an application? What will happen when I withdraw my application? Can I do anything else? Can I have my money back? Some of these…
Regional Visa Fact Sheet
Learn more about Australia’s New Regional Visas! The Federal government has recently introduced three new regional visas to encourage migrants to consider living and working in rural and regional Australia. Want to find out more? Download Regional Visa Fact Sheet
SkillSelect update for 11 July 2019 round
SkillSelect results for the 11 July 2019 invitation round have been released by the Department of Home Affairs. It looks like the number of invitations issued in July did finally increase, no doubt as a result of the new financial year. Points still high for subclass 189 visa invitations Having said that, the number of invitations issued in July 2019 is still less than 40% of the number issued this time last year and is less than 25% of the…