Skilled Nominated 190 Visa

The Subclass 190 visa, also known as the Skilled Nominated visa, is a State or Territory nominated permanent residence visa. 

In order to be able to apply for a 190 visa, you need to submit an EOI in SkillSelect and then wait to be invited to apply for State or Territory nomination. Submitting an EOI does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply for State or Territory nomination. Without a State or Territory nomination you cannot apply for a 190 visa. It’s a highly competitive process with no guaranteed outcome. 

The 190 EOI application process is very similar to the 189 EOI application process, and it is at the EOI stage that you get the opportunity to say which States or Territories you seek nomination from. 

If you are lucky enough to receive an invitation to apply for State or Territory nomination and your application is successful, you will receive an invitation to apply for a 190 visa. 

The following links will take you to the State and Territory migration webpages:

Interested in applying for a 190 Visa?

The Department of Home Affairs website can be a good place to start when researching your eligibility to apply for a 190 visa. Some people find the Home Affairs website easy to understand and others find it as clear as mud! If you want to make a longterm future for yourself in Australia, it can be invaluable to get quality migration advice at the outset of your journey. We can work out whether you are actually eligible to pursue a 190 visa, and if you are … explain the various processes involved. If it transpires that you are not eligible to pursue a 190 visa, we can help you explore other visa options. 

The visa strategy you adopt can play an important part when pursuing a point tested skilled visa. As they say, there is often more than one way to skin a cat! Getting your strategy right can make a significant difference to your chances of being invited to apply for a points tested skilled visa. … and we are here to help you get your strategy right … as well as helping you to get your visa!

Our team is here to help you maximise your chances of being invited to apply for a 190 visa.

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