Employer Sponsored Visas


Australian businesses, unable to meet their skill needs from within the Australian labour market, are frequently able to supplement their workforce with personnel from overseas – on either a temporary or permanent basis. There are a number of programs available to Australian employers:

Temporary Work Program – Subclass 457

Subclass 457 visas are ideal for businesses who need skilled workers for a limited period of time, or to sponsor workers who do not immediately qualify for sponsorship as a Permanent Resident. The Federal government have announced significant short term changes to this program, click HERE to read more. The 457 program will be replaced in March 2018 by the TSS visa program

The Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) – Subclass 186

This program is for employers who are willing to sponsor employees to become Australian Permanent Residents, where the occupations of those employees are on the Short Term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) which was formerly called the Consolidated Skilled Occupation List (CSOL)). This program is also changing, Click HERE for more details

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) – Subclass 187

This program is for employers in regional areas who are willing to sponsor employees to become Australian Permanent Residents. The definition of “regional area” for this type of visa is quite broad and includes almost all of Australia except for the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Newcastle, Sydney, Wollengong and Melbourne. Employees under this scheme are required to stay with their employer for two years after visa grant. This program is also changing, Click HERE for more details

Why EasiVisa ?

Affordable: We used a flat fee system that simplifies the process and won’t go up if your applications needs extra attention. Our process is so efficient that we don’t need to charge the prices—or hidden fees—of many other firms.

Dependable: Since 2004, our experienced Registered Migration Agents have helped hundreds of businesses with an overall 99%+ approval rate*.

Transparent: The traditional immigration process can be like navigating through a black hole. With our EasiVisa online system you can see all of your applications in one place, chat directly with your agent and see every document, action and progress on each application. Real time progress updates? Yes. It’s true.

*Approval is not guaranteed for any given application, approval depends on the specific facts of each case and is at the discretion of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

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