Partner Visas – Advantage of Lodging the Application Overseas

In the past year or so, there has been an explosion in the number of people deciding to lodge their partner visa applications in Australia. As a direct result of this explosion, the onshore DIBP partner visa processing times have blown out to approximately 16 months for the 820 visa and 16 months for the 801 visa. That means you could be waiting well over three years to be granted permanent residence if you lodge your application in Australia. Every…

Travelling Overseas After Applying for a Partner Visa

If you have applied for a partner visa (subclass 820) while you were in Australia, then it is important to understand that you must actually be inside Australia in order for your visa to be granted. If you were in Australia and held a working holiday visa, 457 visa, visitor visa or other type of “substantive” visa when you lodged your partner visa application you should have been granted a Bridging Visa A (BVA). If you submitted your partner visa…

Skilled Independent 189 Visa Age Limit Down to 45

The Australian Government has lowered the maximum eligible age for a Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa to 45 years. This new age limit will apply from 1st July 2017 Specifically you must not have turned 45 at the time of invitation to apply for the visa. Once invited, you are still eligible to lodge a visa application even though you may have turned 45 provided you apply within the time period stated in the invitation.  This change in age limit…

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