Where to Lodge Your Partner Visa?

Lodging an application for a partner visa or spousal visa is a step that many couples take on the pathway to building a long-term future together in Australia. Partner visa applications can be lodged overseas (309/100 visa, 300 visa) or in Australia (820/801 visa). In recent years, a high percentage of applicants have decided to lodge their partner visa application whilst they are physically in Australia, but is this the best path to take? How Long Will My Partner Visa…

Australian Partner Visa Changes 2017

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) have indicated that they intend to further tighten the requirements for Partner Migration this year in line with their focus on the safety and security of Partner visa applicants, including their dependent children. While there is currently no draft legislation available to us, we understand that: Sponsors of Partner visa applicants will need to go through a much more rigorous sponsorship approval process than in the past. This will include a mandatory…

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