Partner Visas – Spousal Visas from $1000

Huge numbers of partner visa applications are refused each year!  

Our team regularly speaks to people who lodged their own partner visa application and then got it refused! Many of these people were told by their friends, “Visa applications are so easy … don’t waste your money on a migration agent!” Hmmnn!  They then ask us to whip out a magic wand and sort things out. Sometimes we can sort things out. This may involve an application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and representation at the tribunal. The cost of an AAT application plus professional representation at the hearing costs money. In fact it’s likely to add another $5000 to $8000 to the overall cost. Refusals are expensive!

Partner visa applications (sometimes called spousal visa applications) can be complex. Putting a partner visa application together may sound simple but the reality can be very different!  The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) website provides a simple document checklist and this checklist does not cover every set of circumstances. Migrants don’t usually have access to the DHA visa policy guidelines. Agents do!

Approximately 20% of partner visa applications are refused. Reasons for refusal include:

  • not fully understanding the visa requirements
  • not meeting the visa requirements
  • providing inadequate, incorrect or insufficient information
  • providing inadequate, incorrect or insufficient documentation
  • adverse information on social media
  • fraud
  • criminal history (applicant or sponsor)
  • relationship breakdown
  • applicant unlawful in Australia
  • sponsor not living in Australia on a permanent basis

The Department’s partner visa fees start at $7000. It’s expensive! Not everyone can afford to engage a migration agent to manage the visa application process for them. We totally understand this, which is why we offer different levels of support to budding partner visa applicants. We want you to be successful.

We really want you to succeed !

Our principal agent has been managing partner visa applications since 2003 and enjoys a 100% success rate. In fact our whole team enjoys an exceptional success rate with partner visa applications. Visa grants make us happy and make our clients even happier! 🙂

For this reason, we offer three levels of service:

  1. Preliminary consultation. We will discuss your relationship status; ask you lots of questions and assess whether we believe you are (or will become) eligible to apply for a partner visa. The consultation can take place at our offices in West Perth, online or over the phone. Only $169.
  2. Professional check and review. This service is for people who want to prepare and submit their own visa application and want an experienced migration professional to check and review their partner visa application and supporting documents before the application is submitted. It’s important to identify mistakes, omissions, conflicting and/or insufficient evidence before an application is submitted. It’s harder to fix up problems afterwards. Mistakes, omissions, conflicting and/or insufficient evidence can result in partner visa application being refused. Only $1000 (plus GST if you are in Australia)
  3. Prepare and submit my visa application!  Most of our clients want us to prepare and submit their visa application. Our clients are often busy people who don’t have the time and/or experience to prepare a top quality visa application in the way that our team can. It gives them peace of mind. When we prepare a partner visa application, we make sure that our client’s application is as strong as it can be. We endeavour to provide the Department of Home Affairs with everything the assessing officer will require in order to make a decision on the application. “Decision Ready” applications are frequently decided more swiftly than incomplete or incorrect applications. Some of our partner visa applications are being finalised within six months, which is a great outcome for our clients. Only $3300 (plus GST if you are in Australia plus government fees). 
The benefits of engaging an experienced Australian registered migration agent

An experienced Australian registered migration agent can work out whether you can meet the partner visa requirements; whether your sponsor can meet the sponsor requirements and help you start planning for a future visa application if you don’t meet the partner visa requirements right now. An experienced agent will help you to navigate the tricky hoops and hurdles of the partner visa application process and maximise your chances of securing a successful visa outcome.

Another big plus is that lots of “Decision Ready” applications are currently receiving priority processing rather than sitting in a lengthy visa processing queue.

They say that moving house, losing your job, divorce and family bereavement are four of the most stressful things we ever deal with in life. Make no doubt about it, a visa application can be right up there when it come to stress levels, especially when building a future in Australia with the one you love depends on a positive visa outcome.

CONTACT US today to book a partner visa consultation or phone 9429 8860 and ask for Carol-Ann, Esther or Sam.  You can even book online!






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