Carpenter Migration Eligibility check


Carpenter Migration Eligibility check

 Skills Assessment Eligibility

To get an accurate assessment of your eligibility, please answer all questions in this section

Please tick ALL the statements which apply to you:

Have you worked as a Carpenter for 12 months out of the last 36 months?

You may not be eligible for a skills assessment as an carpenter - to find out more, please contact us about your situation.

Do you have Carpentry qualifications equivalent to at least 3 years full time study or apprenticeship  (e.g. NVQ Level 3 or City and Guilds)?

In what country did you obtain your qualification?

Have you worked as a Carpenter for at least 4 years full time? (you must be able to prove paid work with Tax Returns, pay slips, bank statements and employer references)

You may not be eligible for a skills assessment as an carpenter - to find out more, please contact us about your situation.

Choosing Your Visa

What states or territories are you interested in working in?

Which visa are you interested in applying for ?

Working Holiday Visa Eligibility

The Australian Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417) is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year. In some cases you may be able to apply for a second year. To get a correct assessment of your eligibility, please answer ALL questions in this section.

Are you between 18 and 30 years old?

You may not be eligible for a Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa but you may be eligible for a temporary work visa or permanent skilled migration, so please complete the section below.

What Passport do you hold?

You may not be eligible for a Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa but you may be eligible for a temporary work visa or permanent skilled migration, so please complete the section below.

Can you demonstrate that you have enough money to support yourself on a working holiday (about AUD$5000) - AND- have enough money to buy a ticket out of Australia at the end of your stay?

You may not be eligible for a Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa but you may be eligible for a temporary work visa or permanent skilled migration, so please complete the section below.

Have you held a Work And Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) before? (This is NOT the same as a Working Holiday - Subclass 417 visa)

You may not be eligible for a Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa but you may be eligible for a temporary work visa or permanent skilled migration, so please complete the section below.

Have you held a Working Holiday Visa before?

To apply for a second Working Holiday (Temporary) visa (Subclass 417), you must:

  • have complied with all the conditions on your first Working Holiday visa;

  • have not previously held more than one Working Holiday visa;

  • have completed three months of specified work in regional Australia while on your first Working Holiday visa.

Do you believe you meet the conditions for a second Working Holiday Visa?

You may not be eligible for a Working Holiday (Subclass 417) visa but you may be eligible for a temporary work visa or permanent skilled migration, so please complete the section below.

Skilled Permanent Residence Migration Eligibility

The following questions assess your eligibility for migration as a permanent resident. Even if you do not intend to migrate permanently, it is worthwhile to understand if this will be an option for you. To get a correct assessment of your eligibility, please answer ALL questions in this section.

What qualification do you hold ? (if you have a higher qualification than your trades certificate, please select your highest qualification)

YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS VISA, however you may have other options, please complete the remainder of this questionnaire

How old are you ?

YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS VISA, however you may have other options, please complete the remainder of this questionnaire

Your English Language Ability is an important element in your skillselect points calculation. The ratings are Competent, Proficient and Superior please review these ratings before making a selection. NOTE: MOST NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS DO NOT SCORE SUPERIOR IN ENGLISH TESTS .

How would you rate your English Language Ability?

YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS VISA, however you may have other options, please complete the remainder of this questionnaire

What countries do you hold passports from?

Have you ever worked in Australia?

Have you been employed full time outside of Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one) for:

Have you been employed full time in Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one for:

A) Have you been employed full time outside of Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one) for:

B) Have you been employed full time outside of Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one) for:

C) Have you been employed full time outside of Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one) for:

D) Have you been employed full time outside of Australia in your nominated occupation (or a closely related one) for:

Are you single - OR - Do you have a spouse or defacto partner who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident? (For the definition of defacto for migration purposes see HERE).

Does your spouse or defacto partner also meet the same skills/age/english criteria required to migrate under this program - AND - is also not an Australian citizen or permanent resident?

Does your spouse or defacto partner have competent english - AND- is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident?

Are you a NAATI accredited Translator?

Have you ever studied in Australia?

Do you hold a a Doctorate degree by research from an Australian educational institution that included at least 2 academic years of full time study in one of the fields listed HERE?

Do you hold a a Masters degree by research from an Australian educational institution that included at least 2 academic years of full time study in one of the fields listed HERE?

Have you completed a PHD, Masters or Bachelors degree, diploma or trade qualification in Australia which is a registered course and consisted of at least 2 academic years of study?

Have you lived and studied in regional Australia  for at least two academic years? (For the list of postcodes located in regional Australia see HERE ):

Have you completed a Professional Year in Australia in your nominated skilled occupation or closely related skilled occupation for a period totalling at least 12 months in the last 48 months?

NOTE: Points for completing a Professional Year will only be awarded if it was in the 48 months immediately before the day you are invited to apply for the visa and only for courses specified by the Minister. Please see the DIBP website for the current list of professional courses.

What is Your Date of Birth? (DD/MM/YYY)

How soon do you hope to migrate ?

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Your new question!


The information provided in this Points Test is for general guidance only. It does not constitute migration advice and is not a substitute for the information provided by your Australian Registered Migration Agent, or by DIBP at While EasiVisa Pty Ltd takes every care in the preparation of this Points Test, the information herein is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including, but not limited to, accuracy and completeness. Your use of this information is at your own risk. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection requires visa applicants to provide documentary evidence to support all points claimed. In addition, visa applicants will need to meet health and character requirements. Under no circumstances shall EasiVisa Pty Ltd, or any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering this Points Test be liable to you or any other party for any indirect, direct, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from your access to, or use of this Points Test.

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