Young people from eligible countries who are interested in having an extended holiday supplemented by short-term employment in Australia can apply for a Working Holiday visa. If you meet the above mentioned common criteria and wish to apply for a Working Holiday visa then please refer to the following before deciding which working holiday visa is most appropriate for you: Criteria specific for “First Working Holiday visa”: If you are applying Working Holiday visa for the first time then: You…
Posts Tagged with whv rules
Working Holiday visa – How flexible is the 6 Month Work Rule ?
The 6 month work rule could be much more flexible than you think! On 27th of March 2017, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) updated their policy guidelines with regard to the 6 month work rule (condition 8547). The Department’s guidelines now state that 417 visa holders can work for the same employer for more than 6 months provided that: They do not provide services to the same end user for more than 6 months; or They do not…